Google Dorks by iamcybermight
Searches for exact string/name you pass after intext:
intext:”Sumanth Dodda”
Allintext helps us to identify 3 different words no matter about the order to be present in the body of the page
allintext: travel packing list
Intitle: helps us to get the string that present in the title of the page makes inurl:sure that the input(http) is present in the URL
intitle:”index of” inurl:http
Some Examples:
Nessus is an vulnerability scanner used by many organizations to carry out pen-testing
intitle:”Nessus Scan Report”
intext:password filetype:log
filetype:env “DB_PASSWORD”
env files are application configuration files which manages the environment constants
intext:”Sumanth Dodda” inurl:admin intext:login
Fun Part:
intitle”webcam 5":
Some Automated tools:
Pagodo[Click on this for Github link]
[Click on this for Installation and Usage of Pagodo]
The Harvester[Click On This for GitHub link]
[click on this or Installation and Usage of The Harvester]
And also check Google Hacking Database for more dorks and fun:
Thanks ;)